How to enable/disable Ctrl+Alt+Backspace in Kubuntu Jaunty

As you might have noticed already, no longer ships with the DontZap option set to False by default i.e. pressing Ctrl+Alt+Backspace won’t restart the xserver any longer. At the UDS we discussed on how to deal with this change and we came to the conclusion that Ubuntu and Kubuntu would deal with this change in different ways. I worked on both the implementations.

This blog post is about the Kubuntu implementation. Click on the thumbnails to see the screenshots in their full size.

1) Install the “dontzap” package (hopefully this step can be skipped in the future):
sudo apt-get install dontzap

2) Launch “systemsettings”
Kde's menu

3) select the “Display” module
Settings panel

4) click on the checkbox which says “Ctrl+Alt+Backspace restarts the xserver” and press the apply button:
Display Module

5) insert your password
Password dialog

And that’s it.

I’ll blog more about the way you can do it in Ubuntu and from the command line.

5 thoughts on “How to enable/disable Ctrl+Alt+Backspace in Kubuntu Jaunty

  1. I am still a bit puzzled this was OK’d for implementation. I have yet to come across a single case of someone hitting such keys by “accident”. I don’t remember reading if, when enabled, there is now a warning dialog ? ie. if you hit CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE will a dialog ask for confirmation to restart X ?

    But I am very glad this is now an option that can be enabled.

    Thank you!

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