Unofficial Evolution import/export utility – release

The tool which I mentioned in my previous post is now available. I have packaged this tool in compliance with the new Debian Python policy (Envy’s next release will be packaged in the same way). This application is not localised yet but I think I only need to read the fine manual for this (and […]

Envy 0.9.7-0ubuntu11 is now available

here is the list of changes: * Added: Nvidia driver 100.14.19 * Removed: Nvidia driver 100.14.11 * Fixed: Composite was disabled for the latest driver (this meant that no 3D Desktop effects could be enabled without reenabling Composite) * Added: GUI dependecy checker. If some dependencies are not installed, an embedded version of Synaptic is […]

Updates on URandR

After about a 1 month pause from work on URandR I decided to improve the code a bit (reusing some code from Envy) and started implementing Xinerama-style dual screen. There is still some work to do and I think I might have to change a great deal of the provisional GUI I’m using in order […]

Updates on Envy and URandR

Envy 0.9.5-0ubuntu3 is now available. Here is the changelog: * Added: Nvidia driver 100.14.11 * Removed: Nvidia beta driver 100.14.09 * Fixed: ATI driver 8.36.5 showed up instead of 8.37.6 You can get it here, as usual. I found out that URandR crashed with ATI’s open source driver (the randr-1.2 branch from GIT) since the […]

More fun with URandR

Yesterday I passed the oral English exam (which went great, by the way) and now I’m so stressed that I have decided to take a day off before to start studying for the oral Spanish exam. I messed with my laptop and replaced Fedora 7 with Ubuntu Gutsy, which seems to work great. A few […]