I graduated again

This morning I defended my thesis (in foreign languages) whose title was “Language and Artificial Intelligence”. I experimented a bit also with chatterbots and I had corrected and modified Joe Strout’s therapist (written in Python), added a few more patterns and added the support for Espeak (a voice synthesiser). I had to present my work and then chat to the chatterbot (which I called “Alberta”) so as to show how it could trick us into thinking that we are dealing with a human being (in limited contexts).

I made my laptop (running Hardy with Compiz) resume from standby, I used URandR to clone the content of my screen on the beamer and then the audio decided to crash. What the heck???

I tested the program 2 days ago with the same projector and audio cable and it worked well. *Of course*, after my graduation both my program and Ubuntu worked well… I should have restarted my computer but I was running out of time.

I also told the commission that something similar happened to Bill Gates ๐Ÿ˜›

I explained what my program was supposed to do, etc. and, as you can see in this photo, the defence of my thesis went great. I really can’t complain.

Here I was explaining what happened to my laptop to a friend of mine:

Of course now that I graduated I am also unemployed, therefore I’m officially looking for an IT job (better if located in Europe).

27 thoughts on “I graduated again

  1. congrats, as a guy who uses your software I sure am glad we have developers like you that help us non-developer types get our displays working.

  2. Congrats Alberto! We all love the hard work you put into Envy and URandR ๐Ÿ™‚

    P.S. You wont be unemployed for long ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Best of luck! ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Maybe that’s why no one should use a development version of ubuntu in something as important as your thesis presentation ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I can’t see the whole error from the screenshot but I believe I’ve had the same issue. Appears to be some “already in use”/conflict type error and I couldn’t be bothered to do too much looking into it. Most of the time it seems to work fine but occasionally I’d get an error.

    I got around it by doing…

    aoss espeak “Mary had a little lamb”

  5. Congratulations, you are an awesome hardworker.

    If you need supporters we are here at your side, you are a big part of this community.

    You’re a young, smart and handsome man with a very bright future ๐Ÿ™‚

    Oh, and i think that “friend” of yours likes you ;D

  6. I’m not the least bit surprised. You are a talented and intelligent guy. Any company that gives you an interview would be equally well advised to hire you right away as you are certain to be an asset.


  7. Complimenti vivissimi ๐Ÿ™‚

    Anche al Linux Day 2097, quando mi รจ sparito il puntatore del mouse mentre tenevo il talk su Cates e del BSOD ๐Ÿ˜€

  8. congrats.

    [i]P.S. of course I will keep working on my projects[/i]
    ya plzz do it , i hav atiin my system.The official driver really suckzz.Envy is my rescue tool while i use ubuntu.
    I love ur work.
    Thank you : )

  9. Fair play, well done on doing your thesis on something so Linux orientated, although, I will say, maybe Gutsy would have been a better, more stable, idea for such an important application? Still, id didn’t make a difference, so well done.

  10. If it’s default Ubuntu Hardy, use `padsp foo’ or `pasuspender — foo’. Otherwise, you know the drill about filing a bug report against pulseaudio.

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