If you use an operating system other than Ubuntu Hardy you will now have to use Envy Legacy. Envy New is dead and will be soon replaced by EnvyNG.
Release highlights of Envy Legacy:
* Fixed: Envy tried to install dkms on Debian.
* Fixed: the GUI didn't show the missing dependencies which can't be installed.
* Added: Nvidia drivers 96.43.05, 71.86.04
* Added: AMD Catalyst driver 8.02
EDIT: there was a problem with the ATI driver which I have just solved. Please download Envy Legacy again
EDIT 2: I have updated the NVIDIA driver to version 169.12
In Envy’s web, current version is 0.9.10-0ubuntu2, but the ‘get envy_legacy’ link say 0.9.10-0ubuntu3.
Thnx for your work.
Problem solved. Thanks for reporting 😉
So, I’m on Ubuntu 7.10 – I should uninstall Envy New and install Envy Legacy?
Just to confirm.
@Vadim P.
Yes, you’re right
I installed Envy Legacy over the top, updated to the newest ATI driver. Mistake. I have uninstalled envy as per the faqs from the command line, but the free driver doesn’t work due to a my non standard screen resolution….any suggestions?
Alberto sul mio sistema Envy legacy fallisce l’installazione quando deve creare il modulo, dopo il, suppongo dalle schermate che vedo nel terminale, module-assistant update
Purtroppo nel log non riporta nulla, ma ho intravisto un errore nel debuild relativo al fatto che “cobra” non contiene numeri di versione.
Probabilmente è riferito al fatto che uso un kernel custom, precisamente il (il nome glie lo ho ovviamente dato io), ma questo fin’ora non aveva mai dato problemi, tant’è che ho fatto il kernel stamattina e il il make-kpkg ha creato correttamente il deb del modulo nvidia.
(ho aggiornato envy perchè credevo, erroneamente, avessi già aggiunto gli ultimi nvidia)
Fammi sapere se ti servono ulteriori informazioni, ho provato a downgradare envy ma senza risultati.
1) What happened? Can I see a log?
2) What’s your operating system?
mi fai dare un’occhiata al log?
Drivers 169.12 out !!!
Updated envy neened :p
1) I previously use envy new and had the 8.01 ATI drivers. I downloaded envy legacy and did an automatic install to get the 8.02 drivers. Install went as normal, but restart takes me to command line log in.
2) on 7.10 Gutsy
@ Albero
Volentieri se mi dici dov’è 😛
L’unico che ho trovato, quello in /var/cache/modass non dice assolutamente nulla, nel file di log dice che è il log è nel file stesso basta.
can you reproduce the problem (let it crash) and type this?
cp /var/log/Xorg.0.log $HOME
then send me the Xorg.0.log which you will find in your home folder
il log è:
I run hardy and would like to install envy, for about how long do I have to wait?
Great application!
still waiting for new updated version for ubuntu hardy users! 😀 anyone know on ETA? thanks!
I don’t really have the skills to find and send the log from command line. I think I am having other unrelated issue so im gonna reinstall from scratch when I have time. Thanks.
Is it ok to use the Envy legacy with ubuntu studio 7.10 , which has 2.6.22-14-rt kernel ?
@makaveli86, Mikael
I think you should wait for EnvyNG to do that.
I have another question, what is the name of the program that after installation with envy is located “Applicatons -> Systems Tools -> ???” and will this program work with Hardy?
Do you mean “nvidia-settings”?
If so, yes, it will work on Hardy
Great man, thanks a lot! Now i just have to wait for EnvyNG.
una domanda che ti sembrerà stupida..
io ho ubuntu 7.10..quindi ora devo riscaricare envy legacy..
ma prima di installarlo devo disinstallare l’envy legacy che avevo prima?
grazie mille,
Hi Alberto,
just a big thanks from my side. I finally got my daughter’s computer with a 7100GS GPU going and she really lovess the 3D effects, especially the “Flying Toasters” screensaver.
An observation: I had to edit the xorg.conf file by hand deleting all the resolution entries other than the 1280 x 1024 that her monitor has as native, otherwise it was always starting in 800 x 600 and had to be changed by manually. Now it is running just fine.
Also got the new ATI drivers on my secondary system installed which has an integrated X1200 chip. More than doubled the frame rate on glxgears to run at close to 1000 fps now.
Again, big thanks and keep up your tremendous work.
Ciao Alberto,
I have Ubuntu 8.04 and NVIDIA. When installing I get the following error messages:
1. Some dependencies are missing (
2. Then Ubuntu wants wants dkms and libstdc++5
The problem is that dkms does not exist, and only libstdc++6 exists. So everything fails.
Un saluto da Catania
See step 3 of point A of the FAQ:
Hello, there. I want to thank you coz I think Envy is a great program! I got an XFX 8800GT this afternoon and spent like 2 hours trying installing it on ubuntu to no avail no matter what I tried. Finally I followed the link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=599646 to Envy. And the experience was just a light breeze! Almost no manual steps were required, it just installed! Truly amazing! Thanks again for saving me possibly many hours of time figuring this out.
Im using envy on a dell laptop since it’s the only way to have nvidia working with gutsy.
However envy removes linux-restricted-modules which is needed for my wireless to work (intel 3945abg)
How can I solve this problem ???
Envy is not supposed to do that. Can I see your /var/log/envy-installer.log ?
Hola Alberto, gracias y enhorabuena por tus trabajos.
He migrado a debian etch, y tengo unos bug en el xorg.conf o en compiz-manager no se exactamente por eso recurro a ti, No puedo levantar las X a menos que en driver ponga “radeon”, no funciona ni con “ati”, ni con “fglrx”. Con radeon funciona perfectemante compiz, pero con el problema de que no puedo visualizar el contenido de las ventanas, o el menu se queda transparente. Te pongo aqui mi xorg, http://pastebin.com/m660e02cd. Y unas imagenes de que es lo que me pasa con compiz-manager. [IMG]http://img247.imageshack.us/my.php?image=instantnea1mq3.png[/IMG]
He editado compiz-manager y le he agregado fglrx al whitelis, pero sigue igual.
He usado tu gran aplicacio envy para la instalacion de los drivers de ATI.
Si necesitas algun dato mas te lo cuelgo.
Te escribo mas que nada por si se te ocurre que podria se ya que llevo 2 dias con esto y no lo saco a flote.
Gracias y un saludo.
Por cierto, me aparece siempre amdcccle como paquete roto, y me lo desinstalo automaticamente, y ahora no tengo el ati Catalist en el manu.
Si “radeon” funciona te aconsejarÃa que lo usaras. Pero esa opción no sirve para nada si quieres usar Compiz:
Option “AIGLX” “off”
Intenta removerla de tu xorg.conf y reinicia X. Si acaso soluciona tu problema.
Gracias por la idea, pero sigue igual, esto es lo que me dice el terminal al tipear compiz-manager:
Checking for Xgl: not present.
xset q doesn’t reveal the location of the log file. Using fallback /var/log/Xorg.0.log
Detected PCI ID for VGA: 01:00.0 0300: 1002:554d (prog-if 00 [VGA])
Checking for texture_from_pixmap: not present.
Trying again with indirect rendering:
Checking for texture_from_pixmap: present.
Checking for non power of two support: present.
Checking for Composite extension: present.
Comparing resolution (1280×1024) to maximum 3D texture size (2048): Passed.
Checking for nVidia: not present.
Checking for FBConfig: present.
Checking for Xgl: not present.
Starting emerald
(emerald:3512): Wnck-WARNING **: Unhandled action type (nil)
Al reiniciar, las ventanas me aparecen sin bordes, pero compiz no funciona, hasta tipear compiz-manager con los mismos errores.
Saludos y gracias de nuevo