NVIDIA Driver 8776 is now available in my Testing Repositories.
Here is the Changelog by Nvidia:
* Added hotfix for Rapid7 Advisory R7-0025. Please view this NVIDIA Knowledgebase article for more information on this hotfix and the affected drivers.
In other words they fix the well known Security Issue which affected the previous releases.
You can try my Non-Legacy repositories:
for Ubuntu Dapper 32bit:
deb http://albertomilone.com/drivers/dapper/nonlegacy/32bit binary/
OR for Ubuntu Dapper 64bit:
deb http://albertomilone.com/drivers/dapper/nonlegacy/64bit binary/
You can read more on my website:
And you can post you feedback here:
Use them AT YOUR OWN RISK, as usualÂ
I can not find NVIDIA Driver 8776 in your repository right now.
apt-cache policy nvidia-glx
Mögliche Pakete:1.0.8774+
*** 1.0.8774+ 0
500 http://www.albertomilone.com binary/ Packages
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
1.0.8762+ 0
500 http://security.ubuntu.com dapper-security/restricted Packages
1.0.8762+ 0
500 http://de.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/restricted Packages
Did not notice that you changed the URL to your repository.
I’m downloading now…
Try setting the repo as http://albertomilone.com/ instead of http://www.albertomilone.com/ .
Don’t ask me why but I had the same problem until I omitted the “www”.
Let me know if it works