Envy 0.9.0 has a GUI!

Envy 0.9.0 is now available.

I have written a GUI for Envy in PyGTK (the old Textual interface is also available).

If you used a previous version of Envy or if you used the Nvidia installer you should follow point “B” of the Frequently Asked Question on my webpage.

NOTE: Envy doesn’t support Feisty yet. Envy 0.9.x for Feisty will be released when it’s ready.

Here is a list of changes straight from the changelog:

  • Added: Envy front-end in pyGTK is now available and can be launched by typing “sudo envy -g” or
    by selecting it in the “Applications/System Tools” menu
  • Changed: Envy textual installer can be launched by typing “sudo envy -t”
  • Added: Envy frontend in pyGTK keeps a log file /usr/share/envy/log.txt
  • Added: installing the Nvidia driver adds an icon to access “nvidia-settings” in the
    “Applications/System Tools” menu
  • Changed: Composite is now enabled by default for both the latest and the new legacy driver
  • Added: AIGLX is now disabled for the ATI driver (all versions) and for the Nvidia legacy driver
  • Changed: there is no need to stop the Xserver any more.
  • Changed: the Nvidia driver is now packaged via some (tweaked) Debian scripts and the module is
    compiled with module-assistant
  • Changed: Envy has several dependencies and doesn’t try to install them via script any more.

and here is a (tiny) screenshot of Envy’s GUI:
Envy GUI

Make sure you read the Frequently Asked Question before using Envy or asking questions on this blog.

Enjoy this new release of Envy!

P.S. I would like to thank Automatix and EasyUbuntu’s developers since I have learnt a few things by reading their source codes.

39 thoughts on “Envy 0.9.0 has a GUI!

  1. tuxicity:
    I guess not 😉

    Understanding the way in which Automatix’s logger works helped me a great deal.

  2. Please don’t write logfiles into /usr/share, /var/log is for logfiles. even /root is better than /usr/share

  3. really nice job for the script and, now, the gui.

    the logo is a bit ugly but i can understand it’s not so important compared to the easiness of this tool.

  4. Good job Alberto, this would make Ubuntu even more popular for Windows refugees, most are intimidated by text based installers, keep it up.

  5. Mah, se funziona davvero cosi bene come viene descritto, ENVY é una mezza sensazione. Visto che con il mio portatile Acer (Travelmate 292 WLMi) non riesco ad installare il driver ATi (Mobility Radeon 9700).
    Cmq congratulazioni.
    Viisitate http://www.ubuntu.bz

  6. Hi Alberto, I’ve installed drivers nvidia of ubunbtu’s repository and in your section FAQ i’ve read that Envy not delete this drivers so what packages I must delete of repositories to install nvidia with envy?
    My nvidia is a gforce2 mx/mx400 PCI with 64 mb and i’ve got installed Dapper so, my nvidia target support envy?
    Thank you for all and congratulations for your big job, specially for your new GUI for Envy.

  7. Thanks Alberto but now i’ve got a new problem when i want installing envy 0.9 in Dapper, gdebi reports to me that i can’t install envy 0.9 in dapper because it can’t install xserver-xorg-dev. So i’ve opened synaptic and when i say it that installing to me xserver-xorg-dev i’ve obtained this message:

    Depende: libdrm-dev pero no va a ser instalado”

    Well, then i’ve treated to install libdrm-dev and i’ve obtained this message:

    Depende: libdrm2 (=2.0-0ubuntu1) pero se va a instalar 2.0.2+cvs20060824”

    So I don’t konw why happens this problem in Dapper. Envy 0.8 be able installing in Dapper (I’ve not yet installed because i want to see if I can installing envy 0.9 before).

    Thank you.


  8. Ciao Alberto, sei davvero un grande 🙂 complimenti davvero questo software è davvero ben fatto.
    Non ti ho mai scritto all’interno del tuo blog ma ti seguo da quando sono entrato nel mondo linux (Ubuntu). Vorrei tanto imparare a programmare in python utilizzando l’interfaccia GTK ma non so da dove iniziare. Potresti darmi qualche dritta? Manuali, Programmi utilizzati, ecc…
    Grazie e ancora i miei migliori complimenti per l’ottimo lavoro.
    Ciao alla prossima 🙂

  9. tommyx_x:
    per quanto riguarda Python posso consigliarti questo libro (in inglese):
    Beginning Python: From Novice to Professional (Beginning: From Novice to Professional) by Magnus L. Hetland.

    Oppure potresti usare questo libro gratuito e in italiano:

    e magari dare un’occhiata a questo sito:

    Per quanto riguarda PyGTK eccoti il link al libro:

    Ti consiglio di imparare per bene la programmazione orientata agli oggetti in Python (non avere fretta, quindi 😉 ). In seguito potrai divertirti a studiare PyGTK.

    P.S. per disegnare Envy ho usato Glade 3 (su Ubuntu Feisty)



  10. Ciao Alberto grazie mille per i consigli 😉
    Spero di imparare per bene questo linguaggio che mi appassiona molto.
    Grazie e continua così. Sei un grande:-)


  11. La tua immensa saggezza informatica ci schiuderà il labirinto di linux!!! Il tuo lavoro è per il presente e per le generazioni future… Sigue asì!

  12. Congratulations! Your tool just gets better every day. A great way of helping other users to migrate to Linux, and to save the world from evil viruses and zombie machines 😀

  13. Ia had I screen problem with the last version of envy. Can I use the new version of envy with no problem?

  14. There have been times (the last kernel update, for example) where my X doesn’t load and it drops me into a terminal. Envy has helped a ton with this in the past – I login, type “sudo envy”, and rock out.

    I’m interesting in testing the new GUI, though. I see you can still use it through a Terminal. Does this also apply to the “true” terminals (like the above situation)?

    Just want to double-check.

  15. Cristobal:
    You’re using a version of libdrm-dev which is more recent (2.0.2+cvs20060824) than Ubuntu’s default one 2.0-0ubuntu1.

    It is likely that installing one of those applications which you mentioned caused this problem.

    What happens if you type:
    sudo apt-get install libdrm-dev=2.0-0ubuntu1

  16. I am using your latest driver on my Dell D620 with the nVidia card in it and using the .deb package and am getting this:

    No installer detected
    Download of the driver in progress, please wait
    cd: 1: can’t cd to /usr/share/envy/nvidia-graphics-drivers/
    md5sumold: 575f988468f2c34a302da3d21e282689
    ENVY ERROR: md5 Error! Operation aborted

    Not sure what this is or why it is doing it. Have been searching all over the net for an answer. I also have a desktop with 6800XT in it and every time I update the system it kills the video card and I have to reconfigure the Xserver and this time I am getting the same thing over there as well?


  17. Nice work. Installing an ATI driver was always painful. Just one question: Are you planning to support the new 8.34.8 drivers, or is there any reason NOT to support them?

  18. Any chance that this tool will start to offer Dual Screen setup functionality, including multiple resolutions, monitor placements, etc? The custom control panel thingy in SimplyMEPIS does this very well, but they lost their way some time back and started doing other stuff not-so-well (including that tool being closed-source). I have read that their path has changed and that many tools have been opensourced and that they decided to offer a good OS once again, but I don’t know if I care to go back after Kubuntu…

  19. when will feisty support be available (if ever)? The restricted driver manager there is not working for me 🙁

  20. peccato…ho appena messo la Feisty e mi hanno avvertito del tuo prog, subito mi sono lanciato a vedere (ho dei problemi cn ATI) e dopo vedo che nn è compatibile 🙁
    tra quante settimane sarà pronto ?
    grazie mille!

  21. Ciao. Volevo chiederti una cosa se hai tempo di rispondermi. Innanzitutto devo dirti che sto facendo i miei primi passi nel mondo Linux. Ora sto provando Ubuntu 7.10 con Vmware come secondo O.S. all’interno di Windows Vista. Ho voluto provare a installare i driver per la mia ati X1950 pro, ma niente da fare. Così girovagando per il web ho trovato il tuo blog e il tuo programma. E’ possibile dunque installare i driver ati su una macchina virtuale? Sto usando Vmware player. L?immagine di Ubuntu già bella confezionata l’ho trovata qui:http://jars.de/linux/ubuntu-710-vmware-image-download-english
    Grazie e Buone feste.

  22. @Paolo
    Il driver non funziona su vmware perché vengono usate periferiche virtuali. Quindi la tua scheda ati non verrà riconosciuta come tale ma come una semplice scheda VESA.

  23. Grazie della risposta. Credo proprio che mi farò un’installazione su hard disk. Ho un amd 64 dual core. Mi consigleresti la versione a 32 0 a 64 di ubuntu o altro linux (mint?). Spero solo di non incasinare tutto!

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