Updates on Envy’s support for Feisty

I have received many emails and posts (both on the forum and on my blog) asking when I would add the support for Ubuntu Feisty to Envy.

I was waiting for Ubuntu’s devs to upload the new restricted modules which now include 3 versions of the Nvidia driver (7184, 9631, 9755) and I got that update yesterday night.

I’m very busy with my studies at the university but I’ll be working at nights to provide you with a new release of Envy.

There might be a problem with the ATI driver 8.28.8 (the legacy driver) and the new kernel therefore I think I will need testers. On the contrary the latest ATI driver is patched on the fly by Envy and seems to work fine on Feisty.

Dapper won’t be supported any longer since there are too many problems both with the Nvidia driver (9755) and with GTK (the texts don’t appear on message dialogues), etc.

Stay tuned

28 thoughts on “Updates on Envy’s support for Feisty

  1. I’me happy to read that ATI driver work correctly on the new version of Ubuntu. But, ATI will put a new version on the driver on his web site this month. If ATI do not support the new version of Xorg, do you think that the patch will work correctly on the new version?

  2. Alberto,

    Good luck on your exams and more power to you as well as many thanks for working nights for Envy for Fiesty, only when Envy for Fiesty is released shall I update to Fiesty.

  3. It’s weird, I got the restricted drivers to work on Feisty with my MX440, But then I rebooted again and they stopped working 🙁 Back to the nv driver I go, at least until you can update this. Thanks so much for the work you’ve done.

    I think it has something to do with the kernel versions not working together with the nvidia driver, but I could be mistaken.

  4. Ciao Alberto!
    Un ringraziamento particolare per il tuo programma Envy che ci ha facilitato la vita.

    Grazie Mille! da un gruppo di ragazzi di Torino.

  5. Hello Alberto,
    Thank you so much for the work you have put into this package! I have become a huge fan over the past couple of weeks. With some pc trouble and a failed upgrade to “Feisty” I have had to re-formate 2 times in the past three weeks. One time do to Operator error and the second time do to the upgrade issues.

    Every time the new reals of Ubuntu comes out I get exited and try to upgrade before the final release and get burned. Maybe I will have learned my lesson this time. Probably not.

    Any way I will be waiting for Feisty support in “Envy” to do my upgrade.

    Thanks Alot!

  6. Never tried envy, but I think this could be very helpful getting my Nvidia MX400 up and running on Feisty. Can’t wait for the new release, so keep up the good job.

  7. Alberto thanks for your nice work. Im just waiting the new envy’s version for Feisty.

    Keep on your nice job, m8


  8. Hey,

    Great job with the edgy release of Envy. It was your work with that driver script that helped me get through so much school work myself. Please, keep up the good work and don’t feel too rushed between classes and Envy.

    We all appreciate your effort.

  9. I found something that works for me. I have a Quadro FX card and downloaded the official drivers from nVidia’s website and installed as per directions.

    However, X always fails and I must do “sudo modprobe -r nvidia” then start X (startx). I think there is some conflicting versions of the ‘nvidia’ kernel module, but don’t know how to fix it long term ..

  10. I manually got my ATI Radeon 9800 Pro working with OpenGL for Edgy. After upgrading to Feisty I noticed OpenGL support was once again lacking. So I grabbed the drivers from ATI, but no luck. Then after a bit of searching I found Envy. However, when I go to install the drivers I get the following message (textual mode):
    “rm: cannot remove `*.deb’: No such file or directory
    ENVY ERROR: Your Operative System does not seem to be supported by Envy”

    I’m assuming I’m missing something obvious. I realize you’re busy, so any suggestions of things to check would be appreciated.

    — Jason

  11. albertomilone, Jason is using Feisty, that’s what his post states. I am about to do a fresh install of Feisty and came here to see if my 6200 would be able to utilize your script and I can use the 9755 driver. From what I am reading, Nvidia as normal is good to go but maybe problems with Ati. it’s to bad but Ati just needs to get off their arse. thatnks for the great script.

  12. If you’re ceasing support for Dapper, is there a manual way to update our drivers (I’ve got a GeForce2 MX/MX 400) manually with the latest drivers you can point us to?

  13. Hi Alberto,

    I did try your script; I run Fresh install FF 7.04 : kernel : (updated from beta release). The card is ATI RV370 X550 Saphire. I can confirmed your script work flawlessly. I got 8.35.5 driver version and produced 2.0 OpenGL Version which is very good. I did on April 28, 2007.

    First time I read your post in ubuntu forum, I have thought you wrote “special driver”. After reading carefully I understood you wrote a script to help user to install “driver”. Its about look ike automatix or easy-ubuntu. Its great to help many common user who feel scared with command line to install driver.

    I faced the sam msg as Jason above [code]” E: Couldn’t find package fglrx-kernel-2.6.20-15-generic
    rm: cannot remove `/usr/src/fglrx*.deb’: No such file or directory
    rm: cannot remove `/usr/src/*.deb’: No such file or directory
    rm: cannot remove `/usr/src/modules/nvidia-kernel’: No such file or directory
    rm: cannot remove `/usr/src/modules/fglrx-kernel’: No such file or directory
    An installer has been detected
    md5new: d784fa8b6d98d27699781bd9a7cf19f0
    md5sumold: c580c83cbf99007a4256fd40368cb2d9
    ENVY ERROR: md5 Error! Trying to fetch the driver from the website
    No installer detected
    Download of the driver in progress, please wait
    –23:49:41– https://a248.e.akamai.net/f/674/9206/0/www2.ati.com/drivers/linux/ati-driver-installer-8.35.5-x86.x86_64.run
    => `ati-driver-installer-8.35.5-x86.x86_64.run’
    Resolving a248.e.akamai.net…,
    Connecting to a248.e.akamai.net||:443… connected.
    HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
    Length: 57,314,907 (55M) [application/octet-stream][/code].

    What I understood : the ERROR is normal since I dont use fglrx before. I used “radeon” driver which produced OpenGL version 1.3 (minimum requirement for 3D). But I’m not interesting in eye-candy or other experimental desktop (beryl, compiz, LG3D etc). I’m pretty sure with this OpenGL Version I can easyly run beryl, compiz or LG3D.

    Thanks a lot and congratulation. Keep good work.

    st sabri

  14. Alberto, complimenti e grazie per i tuoi contributi! Io sono passato a Linux per la prima volta da circa tre settimane e mi trovo da dio! Purtroppo mi ora mi trovo a non sapere che fare con Ubuntu ff e una scheda Ati integrata 9100IGP chip rm300: ne ho provate di tutte e mi sono arreso!
    Sono quindi capitato sul tuo sito e aspetto ansioso!

    Tuttavia ci sono alcune cose che non credo di aver capito:
    1. Ati sta pensando di aggiornare il suo driver 8.28?
    2. Perchè se apro il gestore ‘restricted driver’ mi dice che il mio computer non ha bisogno di driver ‘restricti [:-)]’ ?
    3. Utilizzare i driver Mesa è ‘molto’ meno performante? Inoltre: se i driver mesa (o qualcosa di strettamente vicino ad essi) sono installati nativamente su ubuntu, perchè anch’essi mi danno problemi? Seppur più lenti, dovrebbero funzionare…

    Per finire ti dico che non voglio assolutamente rubare più dl tempo che ti è occorso per leggere il mio mess. Quindi non importa che tu mi risponda: continuerò a seguire le news anche dal tuo sito in attesa di una soluzione!
    Era più che altro un sfogo….!!!!!
    In bocca al lupo per gli esami!

  15. Giacomo:
    1) Non ne ho idea
    2) Perché è vero
    3) setta il driver su “radeon” nella Section Device del tuo xorg.conf

    Magari digita anche:
    sudo aptitude reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx libglu1-mesa libgl1-mesa-dri

    Il driver open source funziona benissimo (e va bene con AIGLX e Beryl o Compiz).

  16. Niente da fare!!! Ho sradicato fglrx e riconfigurato tutto per AIGLX, tutto ok: rendering diretto, accelerazione 3d, tutto ma proprio tutto ok.
    Tranne l’opzione “composite enabled”: con quella, dopo il login, incappo nello schermo bianco!
    Sono molto affranto, lo confesso! Oggi ho provato windows vista a lavoro e ho avuto un po’ nostalgia del ‘tutto facile e subito’…

    Altra cosa che non mi spiego: girando per internet non ho trovato nessuna info al riguardo: se osservo il file Xorg.0.log l’unico errore di AIGLX è questo:

    (EE) AIGLX error: dlopen of /home/felix/src/snapshots/inst/HEAD/lib/dri/r200_dri.so failed (/home/felix/src/snapshots/inst/HEAD/lib/dri/r200_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
    (EE) AIGLX: reverting to software rendering

    1. Software rendering? glxinfo dice : direct rendering ok
    2. Chi diavolo è felix?

  17. Just wanted to say thanks for sucha great utility, I’ve tried for hours to install the driver using the guides out there (install using the Ubuntu repo’s – doesn’t work I have an ATI HD 2600, install manually using “–buildpkg” approach – doesn’t work I have AMD64/x86_64 gives a lib32 error).

    So your system finally worked! Thanks! There was one minor glitch I thought I’d let you know about though. I get this error during, say apt-get autoremove:

    The following packages have unmet dependencies:
    fglrx-amdcccle: Depends: ia32-libs-gtk but it is not installed

    Easily cured for myself with an apt-get install of ia32-libs-gtk but just letting you know.

    Also Firefox scrolling is really slow compared to the default ATI / Ubuntu driver, but I intend to Google that, I’m sure it’s a “known issue” (here’s hoping)

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