Today (thanks to Cyril Brulebois) I have found bug which in turn was cause by an ever nastier bug in URandR. The current refresh of a device was detected even if such device was not enabled (???) (i.e. plugged in but disabled). URandR knows that, if a device has a current refresh rate, such device must necessarily be enabled (otherwise the said refresh rate wouldn’t be called “current”).
The cause of this problem was so stupid that I’m sure it was the result of one of my late night coding sessions :-/
Please let me know if you have problems with this new release.
I’m quite a newbie to linux and I am using kubuntu. I just bought a second screen and want to set it up. I have installed the .deb package but I can’t find Urandr in the menu and I don’t now what command I should use in the terminal to start Urandr, because just urandr doesn’t work.
By the way, it looks great, nice job!
If you use GNOME:
go to the “System/Preferences/URandR” menu
to run it from the command line:
sudo urandr
I am having difficulties installing the .deb, it freezes for a few seconds and closes down after.
I use KDE, could that be the problem?
get to the directory with the deb file and type:
sudo dpkg -i urandr*.deb
then it should complain about some missing dependency, therefore you’ll type:
sudo apt-get install -f
let me know what happens
I got the program working, and its interface is perfect. However, I am not able to set things up the way I want. It is possible for me to activate my second screen now, which was impossible up to now. But I only get a clone image, in the wrong resolution, although I select multiscreen, analog VGA output left of laptop panel.
I think this might be a problem with my video card, I am using the Ati Radeon Mobility IGP 320 (also known as U1). Truly the crappiest card ever manufactured.
If you want more info I can give it to you.
launch urandr with this command:
sudo urandr &> mylog.txt
Enable the second screen and make it show a clone of the screen. Then try to select multiscreen (and configure the screens as you like) and click “apply”.
If nothing happens:
exit and send me your mylog.txt
then set
I’ve sent the mylog by email.
Does this URandR work with ATI proprietary driver “fglrx”? If it does, It couldn’t be better to me…
No, sorry but fglrx doesn’t support RandR 1.2 yet, however the open source “radeonhd” does, therefore you will be able to use URandR as soon as I add the support for radeonhd
169.07 is out
Nice application this gui for xrandr.
I have 1 remark. It is about the calculation of the virtual screen resolution. As far as I can see it is don by adding the screen width and height of 2 screens. The positioning is not taken into acount. This restrict the use in my setup I have a laptop screen size of 1280×800 and a lcd screen size 1280×1024.
While I have a intel 945GM I would like to keep the virtual screen size below 2048×2048 for reason of keeping DRI enabled. With the positioning above, or below the virtual screen size doesn’t need to be larger than 1280×1824.
With the xrandr tool I can set my laptop screen below the lcd without changing the vritual screen size. I would suggest this would be possible with your gui also. Doing this the needed screen size should be calculated based on the desired position.
Yes, it was a deliberate choice. I just didn’t want URandR to bother users asking to restart the Xserver every time they decided to change the position of their screens. For example changing from –right-of to –above would need URandR to edit the Virtual resolution again.
My external monitor is 1600×1200 therefore I lose DRI even if I use a virtual resolution as you suggested. However, since users like you can still use DRI I will make URandR to calculate the virtual resolution properly.
Expect a new release soon.
3D RadeonHD Driver!
Last night I installed URandR and configured my two screens (1280×1024 LCD and 1680×1050 laptop) with my LCD left of my laptop. I even managed to get the desktop to be extended on the LCD.
To ensure that the config was saved I did logoff/login – and the setup was still present.
This morning, when I booted my laptop, every clue of the setup was gone! And URandR even gives the message that my video card (ATI X300) is not supported – which is was yesterday!
Have you any idea was has gone wrong? You write that a new release is to be expected soon – when?
Have a nice day.